Waltham Forest Green Business Network

The Green Business Network pioneers a sustainable future for SMEs, fostering mutually beneficial connections among businesses and clients. Committed to a greener borough, we drive discussions on talent development, education, skills shortage, retrofitting, and business support. Join us as we shape an eco-friendly landscape and overcome sector challenges together.

Why do we need a green local economy?

A green local economy prioritises residents' well-being and fairness, diverging from harmful practices. Governments globally recognize its significance. In our local area, the circular economy minimizes waste and pollution, championing reuse and recycling to counter climate change, biodiversity loss, and social challenges while fostering prosperity and community resilience.

Who can join the Green Business Network?

The Green Business Network in Waltham Forest welcomes businesses from diverse sectors eager to enhance environmental performance and reduce costs. Whether you're in hospitality, legal, retail, renewables, or beyond, join us! From care homes to manufacturers, together we champion sustainability, sharing knowledge and fostering a green community.