Inclusive Supply Chain Programme

A golden opportunity for businesses to access larger buyers and explore new contract possibilities.

Recognising the advantages of diversification in supply chains has become imperative for large companies. Embracing suppliers with diverse skill sets enhances agility and adaptability and elevates both economic and social impact.

Enter The Inclusive Supply Chain Programme, a collaborative effort with London South Bank University dedicated to enhancing access to London's supply chains. This initiative empowers under-represented SMEs, equipping them to meet the procurement criteria of larger enterprises.

By fostering collaboration between local, regional and national buyers committed to enhancing their supply chain's value, the programme unlocks doors for smaller businesses.

Target Sectors

  • Accommodation
  • Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
  • Business Services
  • Construction and Allied Trades
  • Consumer
  • Creative
  • Education and Technology
  • Food Services and Catering
  • Health
  • Transport and Storage
  • Wholesale and Retail

Support Offered

  • 1-2-1 business support
  • Networking
  • Workshops and training

Places for this programme are limited, we strongly advise you to register your interest as soon as possible.