Prince’s Trust: Supporting Young People into Business

Over 90,000 young individuals (aged 18 to 30) have kickstarted their own businesses through the support offered by the Prince’s Trust, transforming innovative ideas into thriving ventures.

The Trust provides a comprehensive programme designed to nurture your business aspirations. Whether you have a clear business concept or are still exploring ideas, the support spans from training and mentoring to securing vital funding and resources.

The free Enterprise program unfolds in stages, each carefully crafted to empower you on your entrepreneurial journey.


Firstly, engage in an informative session within your local area—a gateway to understanding the support offer.

Eager to delve deeper? Join the interactive workshop, where like-minded individuals converge and seasoned business advisers cover diverse topics, from business planning and marketing to sales, budgeting and tax.

As you progress, the focus shifts to building your business. A dedicated mentor stands by your side, guiding you through the planning and testing phases.

Explore the possibility of personal loans for business purposes, a unique feature that sets the Prince's Trust Programme apart.

The grand finale is the launch, where your business plan takes centre stage before the discerning eyes of the Business Launch Group, a positive experience aimed at ensuring the viability and sustainability of your idea.